The old adage that you need to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others is something I think about often. I look to my knitting and meditation as my own acts of self-love to nurture and support myself during the day-to-day chaos. With Valentine’s Day coming up, I like to propose looking at the holiday as a time for self-love, where you knit yourself something special, meditate, or try gentle heart-opening yoga postures. These activities can be great acts of self-love.
As we are inundated with images of hearts, kisses, and chocolates in the media, emphasizing giving to others, I suggest shifting your perspective and considering what you need to show yourself love this February. Self-love or self-care involves nurturing oneself. Ensuring you are well-rested, eating properly, and maintaining overall mental and physical health are all aspects of self-love. Knitting can be an act of self-care, as can yoga or Zumba—anything that helps you reduce stress and feel good.
This month, consider all the ways you can engage in self-love. Knit a pair of socks for yourself and practice yoga daily, whether on a mat or a chair. While I favor yoga, if your preference is pilates, or running, go ahead and do what gets you moving. Whatever activity you choose, concentrate on your breathing and be fully present. As my yoga instructors often say, "everything you do is yoga." With grace and intention, anything can be mindful.
Need help with an idea of a self-love practice? Here are three different self-love rituals to try out:
1. Find a pen and a piece of paper. Write down three specific things you love about yourself and are grateful for. Try that every day for the month of February and see how it elevates your mood.
2. Take a large pillow, blanket, and small towel. Sitting on the floor or a couch, place the pillow vertically behind you. Recline onto the pillow so it supports your back, middle and lower back, your upper back will rest onto the floor or couch cushions. Close your eyes and rest here for up to five minutes.
3. Stand tall. Feet a little wider than hips distance apart. Inhale, reach your arms up overhead. Spread your fingers and wiggle them, shift your hips side to side. Exhale, release the hands down by your sides and roll your shoulders back. Repeat five times.
If you're ready for a knitting act of self-love this month, dive into a quick project with this free knitting pattern for the AUM scarf. Knit love into each stitch. The rhythmic motion of crafting each stitch, creates something uniquely special for you. You're not just making each stitch; you're also creating a meditation.
