One's stash is a personal business. It shouldn't be up for judgment from others or even yourself. Over the years since I've moved into my home in the Catskills my stash has grown and become unruly. Like long hair that hasn't been brushed in days, my yarn is in knots. And I finally am going to do something about it.
In my home I already have a dedicated yarn wall where I display finished knits and hand spun. Now I will tackle my supplies that help me make items by hand, the yarn. My goal is to have a beautifully organized yarn stash that makes choosing yarns a piece of cake. My intention for this process is to have fun. I look forward to rediscovering the yarn gems I already have and curating space for creativity to blossom.

Recently I dove head first into weaving on a floor loom and since then I have realized the brilliance of yarn on cones. The yarn stays neat, organized, and easy to see. So over the next few weeks, or months even, I endeavor to take my yarn mess (stash) and turn it into a (hopefully) beautiful wall display of yarn on cones.

While nursing my youngest child I looked up how to wind yarn onto cones, and discover there isn't quite the easy solution I was looking for. I'd love an electric winder that can take my skeins of many different weight yarns and smoothly turn them into yarn cones, but alas at this time the machine I am looking for is still in production. As I wait for the cone winder of my dreams I'm going to tackle this by hand.
There are sellers on Etsy who make attachments to bobbin winders for cones, but none for my style bobbin winder. After some searching I found a rubber stopper that almost perfectly fits my bobbin. After a few mishaps of the cone popping off as I wound, I think I have a system down. A very slow system, but at least I can start winding.

Wish me luck and check back soon for updates.
In gratitude,